Coolers & Pajamas - Virtual Soca fete

Thanks to everyone that joined us for our 9th Anniversary party "Coolers and Pajamas", whether you a part of the hundreds who Streamed the event live on Facebook or joined the live Zoom VIP Room  
We were scheduled to party from 9-midnight but with so much vibes going on the party kept going til 1:30am.  
Trying to coordinate 6 DJs from across Canada did pose a few challenges but we were able to get it all together and party through the night! 
If you missed it live or just wanted to see what really went on in the VIP, catch the 4.5 hour (2 part) replay here:

Coolers and Pajamas Virtual Fete - Part 1
Video Starts at 7:37. Mic audio kicks in at 10:35   
2hr:35min - Livestream Soca Party

Coolers and Pajamas Fete - Part 2
1hr:52min - Livestream Soca Party

Music by Drew Atlas, DJ Majesti, Sherman Hype, Avaron, DatBie Dez & DJ Soca Sweetness
